Sunday, June 5, 2016

Things to know about my reviews

Here are some things to know concerning all my reviews:

I am not celiac, and am therefore free to eat a "regular" diet.  So I know what non-gluten-free tastes like.

My daughter has been recently diagnosed.  Up until now she has been eating non-GF.  This will change but, for now, she also knows what "regular" food tastes like.  So it is important that she likes the foods we buy.

Despite the above, I attempt to not compare GF foods against non-GF foods.  This is because I think finding identical products is futile.  So I do not taste test or deliberately make comparisons against regular products. 

To take an example, many "diet" foods are not the same as their "regular" counterparts.  In some cases, near-equivalency is possible; in some it is not.  Sometimes makers of "diet" foods come up with something new instead - something that is not the same, but stands on it's own merits.  I expect this will be the case for some gluten-free foods as well.

So, I am concerned about is if the GF foods are good in their own right, and if my daughter likes them.  That's the goal here.

It is a bonus if my son and I like the foods too.  When we go camping, we go all gluten-free, for simplicity.  If he and I do not also like the foods, we will be a bit SOL on these trips.  So we'll all enjoy together or suffer together, as it were.

Having said that, comparisons against "regular" products are something of an inevitability sometimes.  We like what we like.

I also do not attempt to compare nutritional value.  Part of this is I'm not terribly qualified to do so, having only a layman's understanding of such things.  Part is because I don't have the time.  Part is because I don't care so much - I figure that any nutrition we don't eat is not really relevant.  (This is a simplistic approach, I know, but fine-tuning can happen later.)

I am fortunate that we are well enough off such that we can afford to experiment.  That is, I don't mind buying two or three GF items, trying them all, and tossing what we don't like.  Some people don't have this luxury so I'm publishing my experiences.  Also because some GF information out there is dated.

I am unfortunate to live in Western Canada.  Availability of GF foods here is restricted compared to other locations.

Individual tastes will obviously vary and what works for us may not work for you.  It's impossible for everyone to like everything, but Amazon reviews provide a good starting benchmark.

Legal:  My opinions are my own.  My opinions do not and are not intended to be taken as representing anyone or any organization other than myself.  I do not work and have never worked for for any of the companies I review.  I pay for all products myself; I do not get free samples, discounts or any other consideration or compensation from any brand, company, organization or individual in connection with my reviews or posts.

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