Friday, July 1, 2016

Free business-card-sized gluten-free reference cards

I have difficulty believing that anyone would charge $30 for a set of cards

I didn't even like those cards, so I made my own.  As this was not as simple as it sounds, here my GF reference cards, free for use by anyone.

These cards are for small children and aimed at teachers, birthday party parents, daycare and day camp providers, friends and family and other people who need an immediate, basic and easy-to-follow understanding of gluten-free do's and don'ts.  They are obviously not all-encompassing.

I printed these on Avery "Clean Edge" business cards, which you run through your own laser or inkjet.  You will have to adjust the template for your own printer. 

Be warned, however, that no matter what you do, many of the cards will probably not register correctly, and some may be skewed.  Expect a lot of rejected or imperfect cards.

If you are a perfectionist, my suggestion is to take this artwork and go to someplace like Vistaprint, who will print you out some business cards for free.  It's way more reliable than DIY cards.

After culling out the rejects, I laminated the "good" cards.  I used a Purple Cows lamination machine that I picked up cheaply from the USA, plus these business card pouches from Universal.  The pouches work just fine and are much less expensive than most, but if you don't need so many feel free to use whichever brand you like.


-  These cards were created with the free Paint.NET program.  The original Paint.NET files are below.  They are layered and include him/her and she/he text, so you can customize it for boys or girls.

-  This artwork is big enough to print letter or A4 size, if you want to.

-  You can get free templates for all Avery products; use them to lay out the artwork on the business card stock.

-  Make your artwork a little smaller than the business card, to allow for skew and misalignments.  I printed mine 3.3" x 1.87".

-  Use the Word cell shading and page background options to fill all the blank space with the same color as the card borders, to help reduce the effects of printer misalignment.  These cards use the following color:  HSV: 184 / 227 / 192 (RGB: 21/182/192, hex #15B6C0).

-  The text on the cards is all Tahoma.  Most is 72 pt, larger is 96 pt, smaller is 48 pt.

-  Paint.NET original file, front:  Click here
-  Paint.NET original file, back:  Click here
-  JPG of card front:  Click here, or see below
-  JPG of card back:  Click here, or see below
-  Word template for Avery 55871:  Click here

Click for full-size original

Click for full-size original  

Disclaimer: I receive no compensation from any brands mentioned here.  All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  I make no warranty as to the accuracy of any of the information, use entirely at your own risk.

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